Today was the celebration of Hari Raya Aidilfitri and children’s day. Early in the morning, the students were wearing their Baju Melayu or Baju Kurung and gather in the Dataran Wawasan. There was a list of programmes will be carry out from 7.30 a.m. to 10 a.m. The ceremony was started with the speech of ‘Tazkirah Aidilfitri’ given by Ustaz Zulhaidi. This was followed by Bacaan Al-Quran by the year 3 student. Beside that, there were some presentation from different year of students in group’s singing, performance in musical instrument and dancing. After the ceremony, the students started their Hari Raya party in the class. The students bought along the kuih Hari Raya, food and drink from home for their party to share among with the teachers and friends.
For more pics, check out the slide show below!