This morning at 7.30 a.m., we had a half hour launching for the Ihya' Ramadhan Month. This special assembly was started with the speech carried out by the Ustaz. Ahmad Fuad about the fasting in Ramadhan month. After that, it was officially lauched by our headmaster, En Ahmad Dalail b Mohd Rakim.

There was a Donation Event carried out during the month of Ramadhan. A container had been prepared for the student to donate. The fund will be using for the charity purpose.

Our headmaster started his donation first to show a good example to the staff in SKSB.

Followed by the representative from the senior assistance's teacher, Pn. Rosni bt Abu Bakar.
Than, Ustazah Zabidah represented the Islam religious teachers to give donation to the charity's fund.
Ustaz Mohd Helmi Firdaus b Embong represented the J-Qaf teachers to give his donation.
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