Remember the Eureka Compotition that I had reported last week? Well, yesterday was the Eureka Competition in District Level. 3 of our students, represented our school in this competition. They were Fairus Dalilah bt Abd Rashid, Fitrah Atiqah bt Anuar and Siti Nurhidayah bt Mohd Azhar. Congratulations to our school team got third place out of 15 schools in District Level. The competition was held at SMK Ahmad Boestaman. The teachers who went with them were Pn Rosnah and En Mohd Yusli.

Our students busy preparing the model.

Yes, this is the handmade clock by using waterpower to make the hand clock move.

Pn Rosnah and En Mohd Yusli had put a lot of effort in helping the students to prepare for the Eureka Competition. Three cheers for them.

Our Manjung District Deputy Education Officer En Suhaimi b Ramli, presented prizes to our school team.
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